Gonandagon. A real place with real people who share real stories about their real lives. Gonandagon is a reservation in Victor, NY and my friend, Ian and I are headed there this Saturday to meet some amazing people and to be surrounded by the beautiful Native American culture. We want to share these stories from the beautiful people of the Gonandagon reservation with you so that you can see the beauty of their culture and beliefs for yourself.
Saturday, February 22, we will be meeting and interviewing Native American dancers, storytellers, interpreters, musicians, and more. They have a desire to be seen and heard, an excitement to have their culture shown, hence why this weekend at Gonandagon, they are hosting the winter games. This event will give us and so many others a blast into the past, a look at the present and hopefully an understanding of the future lives of Native Americans. If you want a look into where our project is focused, check the event for yourself or even just to learn a little more on what exactly we are filming, you can check out Gonandagon here @ https://ganondagan.org/.
Thanks to my teacher, Christine Zinni (a SUNY Brockport Anthropology Professor), I was able to get these connections with so many amazing people. Can't wait to see how filming goes this Saturday!
~Paige Austin