Wednesday. March 25, 2020.
We had our first group meeting online through Zoom, a Skype knock-off that just about every business and school in the country has started using. Honestly, I had no knowledge of this site even existing until about a week ago. And now everyone is using it.
Everyone was in a damn-near panic; with the country shutting down, we are stuck to a point where we cannot continue working on our projects conventionally. Each group had to rethink their projects entirely. One group is back in London, so I can’t imagine what kind of chaos they will endure. Paige and I came up with the idea of shifting the focus for our project from covering the Haudenosaunee in contemporary America to covering their experiences during the current pandemic and others before it. It is the only thing that would make sense on covering during this crisis. Carvin agreed.
Now the question is how are we going to do this?